Below is our standard color chart. These colors are very close to the actual color of the sheets, but for 100% color accuracy, come visit us at either of our locations for some hard samples. If you have a different color in mind, bring it to us and we can do our best to get it as close as possible for you.

Snowdrift White (W81)

Linen White (81)

Sandstone (W51)

Parchment (W74

Taupe (74)

Khaki (88

Medium Bronze (H4)

Weathered Copper (W50

Mansard Brown (133)

Dark Bronze (50)

Ash Grey (25)

Old Town Grey (W25)

Old Zinc Grey (W29)

Slate Grey (W38)

Matte Black (106)

Aged Copper (65)

Patina Green (W58)

Hemlock Green (M7)

Classic Green (66)

Felt Green (W66)

Patriot Red (73)

Terra Cotta (W72)

Colonial Red (W75)

Brandywine (P8)

River Teal (59)

Metallic Silver (K7)

Champagne Metallic (168)

Mistique Plus (W31)

Copper Penny (W92)

Antique Patina (M1)

Tahoe Blue (W71)

Ocean Blue (35)

Regal Blue (W35)

Galvalume® (41)